A Strong Partnership: Join Our Group

«We strongly believe that every business will become a digital business and every company will become a data-driven company.»

Growth through synergy: How M&A strengthens our offering

In an ever-changing IT services industry, we strive to stay at the forefront and continually expand our offering. Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) are a key part of our strategy. Through targeted acquisitions and strategic mergers, we not only secure our market leadership, but also create an unrivalled offering for our customers. These synergies also enable us to respond more quickly to market changes and develop innovative solutions.

Addressing market opportunities and challenges

Ongoing digitalisation and the outsourcing of IT services, such as cloud and workplace services, offer enormous growth potential. At the same time, the demand for specialised services is growing. This is where our M&A strategy comes in: By acquiring companies with proven expertise in areas such as cloud, managed services, IT consulting, cyber security and artificial intelligence (AI), we are strengthening our position and continuously expanding our service portfolio. We focus on healthy businesses that align with our core values: Innovation, Client Focus and Commitment.

Your advantage: How our M&A strategy benefits you

Benefit from the collective knowledge of our experts and our comprehensive portfolio of solutions. Our experienced team can help you implement and operate advanced cloud services and digital workplace solutions. Our strategic acquisitions and mergers ensure that we can offer the latest and best solutions to existing and new customers.

Regional strength: expansion in the DACH region

We have a particular focus on companies in Switzerland, Germany and neighbouring regions that are ready to become part of a larger group. This can take the form of succession solutions or the acquisition of successful start-ups. Our focus is on people, both customers and employees. We want to offer them the best prospects for the future and win them over to our shared vision. We believe that a larger group with a broader offering is better equipped to remain competitive in a dynamic market environment.

Secure your place at the top

Contact us to find out how we can work together to take your business to the next level.

Marzio Bondolfi
Head of M&A

+41 58 531 32 11


marzio website

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